That It Will Never Come Again

Yous tin Download It Never Comes Over again Verse form Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary Class 9 English Karnataka State Board Solutions to assistance you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem Chapter 8 It Never Comes Again

Before you read

Read the following passage and reply the questions that follow:

4 friends – Raju, Akbar, John, and Mohan – are looking sad. Each one of them has lost something. Raju lost his cricket bat which he was very fond of. Akbar had a very good storybook and he lost it when, by mistake, it fell into a pond. John lost his collection of rare stamps which he had collected over' a few years. Mohan lost his mother, who died of a massive heart assault.

Question ane.
Whose loss, practise y'all think, is the greatest?
Mohan'due south loss is the greatest.

Question 2.
Why exercise y'all think the loss of other things is not that of import?
Because those things lost by Raju, Akbar, and John can be brought back. Cricket bat, storybook and drove of rare stamps tin can be brought over again but a mother cannot be brought back. She can't exist replaced.

Question 3.
Which of the losses tin exist compensated and which cannot exist?
Raju'south cricket bat, Akbar'due south storybook and John's drove of rare stamps tin can exist compensated. But the decease of Mohan's mother cannot be compensated.

Understand the poem:

The poem has a wonderful message. Read it again and discuss your views on the following questions with your partners.

Question 1.
What happens when youth departs?
We lose the spirit of life when youth departs.

Question ii.
How does a person feel when he is youthful?
A person feels that he is stronger and amend during his youthful days. He feels that something sweet followed youth, with flying feet.

Question 3.
The poet says, "We sigh in vain" Why?
Youth is the all-time menses of human life. Information technology is the sweetest and beautiful phase of life. It fills a person with dreams. One should brand the best use of 1's youth because when it is gone, much of one's force is gone. And then the poet says, "We sigh in vain".

Question iv.
Where does a person look for youth, afterward it is gone?
A person beholds it everywhere on the earth and in the air.

Question v.
Why does the poet compare losses and gains with youth?
If we lost something similar money, gold or whatever asset in our life, nosotros can gain it later on by putting in efforts. If we fail in any field we can succeed subsequently. But if youthful days are gone, nosotros cannot regain it, So nosotros should make the best use of our youthful days. So poet compares the losses and gains with youth.

Question six.
What is the message of the poem?
Youth is the best period of human life. One should make the best utilise of one'southward youth.

A) Read and Appreciate:

Question i.
Read the following lines that appear in the second stanza of the verse form."Still, we feel that something sweet Followed youth, with flying feet, and will never come again". The poet describes the youth as 'something sweet''- Practice yous concord with him? Why? Discuss in groups.
We hold with the poet. The menses of youth is sweet and we plunge ourselves I dream but it goes of a sudden with flying feet and will never come again. We gain from it and we lose when it is gone because this valuable period can bring both. So we say that at that place are gains for all our losses.

Question 2.
The poet says, 'There are gains for our losses" – Practise y'all agree with this? Requite reasons.
We gain from information technology and we lose when it is gone because this valuable period tin can bring both. So nosotros say that there are gains for all our losses.

Question three.
Which line in the poem do you like the most? Why? Tell your friends.
I similar these lines. "All the same we feel that something sweet, Followed youth, with flying feet, And will never come again" Though nosotros passed youth. We still think, feel and dream those sweetest days. It gives some spice to our life. Simply nosotros can not regain youth. So we must make utilize of youth in best possible ways.

Question iv.
Can you think of some proverbs/ quotations related to the theme of the verse form?
Time and tide wait for none/ Youth once lost is lost forever/ Beauty should perish and die.

B) Figures of Speech:

Question 1.

Await at the post-obit line taken from the verse form."But when you, the dream, depart…"

The poet in this line brings about an indirect comparison betwixt the 'youth' and dream'. The comparison is implied. Information technology is a Metaphor.

Metaphor is a figure of speech communication in which two unlike objects having at least one thing in common are compared. Just the comparison is indirect or unsaid.

eg. Tippu Sultan was the tiger of Mysore.

Question 2.

Read the following line.
"It takes something from our hearts, and it never comes again."

In this line, the poet has attributed the qualities of living beings to an abstract notion (youth). 'It'(youth) is personified. It is Personification.

Personification is a figure of oral communication in which a non-living object or an abstract notion is treated every bit having life.

Choice out other examples of personification that announced in the poem.

Collect some examples of metaphor and personification. Take the help of your teacher, if necessary.

C) Rhyming Words:
1. Hurting – reign
2. Depart – Heart
3. Sweet – feet.

It Never Comes Again Additional Questions and Answers

Cull the correct answer.

Question 1.
The all-time catamenia of human life is:
(a) Childhood
(b) youth
(c) Middle age
(d) old age.
(b) youth

Question 2.
We have the balms for:
(a) all our difficulties
(b) all our pains
(c) all our happiness
(d) work.
(b) all our pains

Question 3.
"Merely when a youth, the dream, departs" The figure of speech used in this line is :
(a) Simile
(b) Metaphor
(c) Personification
(d) Alliteration.
(b) Metaphor

Answer the following:

Question 1.
Who is the author of the poem 'It never comes once again'?
Richard Henry Stoddard.

Information technology Never Comes Again Poem Summary in English language

In this poem, the poet describes youth every bit the all-time flow of human life. Information technology brings strength and color to life. Information technology is the sweetest phase. If it is lost, it never comes again. So, i should make the best apply of one'due south youth because we lose the vigor of life.

There are gains for all our losses and there is a remedy for all our pain simply it is non the same example with the youth. Youth fills a person with dreams and it departs. It takes something from our hearts. When information technology goes, the very essence of life is lost. So that stage never comes again.

During youth, we "are stronger and we accomplish many things. Life becomes sweet. It adds colour to i's life. If information technology departs or goes, something beautiful has vanished. Then we are to apologize. We meet youth everywhere only nosotros can't exercise annihilation if it goes. So, one should make employ of the best possible things.

It Never Comes Again Poem Summary in Kannada

It Never Comes Again Poem Summary in Kannada 1

KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 English


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